AUSTSWIM – Teacher of Swimming and Water Safety
The AUSTSWIM Teacher of Swimming and Water Safety course provides candidates with essential competencies to teach swimming and water safety to persons from four years of age in swimming pools and confined natural shallow water venues. Accreditation is valid for three years.
Lisa Rolls is the AUSTSWIM Queensland Presenter of the Year 2015 and the AUSTSWIM National Presenter of the year 2015.
Please visit our media and news page for official media releases and award recognition.
This course is Nationally Accredited
The course is approximately 16-20 contact hours (theory and practical), plus supervised on the job teaching hours and assessment. Topics include:
- Overview of AUSTSWIM and the aquatic industry
- Legal responsibilities for the AUSTSWIM teacher™
- How people learn
- Being an effective teacher
- Aquatic safety, survival and rescue skills
- Principle of movement in water
- Water familiarisation, buoyancy, mobility and safety
- Teaching safer diving skills
- Towards efficient stroke development
- Plan, deliver and review a lesson
1. May enrol in an AUSTSWIM course at 16 years of age but are not eligible to receive the accreditation until they are 17 years of age.
2. Are required to have a reasonable level of fitness and swimming ability.
Delivery Strategy
The course consists of theory and practical components.
1. Theory component – topics may be offered through classroom attendance and selected topics topics via AUSTSWIM’s e-learning centre.
2. Practical component – involves swimming and water safety activities that may be carried out in shallow or deep water.
To gain the AUSTSWIM accreditation, the following assessment components must be satisfactorily completed within 12 months of the course commencement date.
1. On-line theory assessment (completed after attending a course).
2. Continuous Aquatic Sequence.
3. Practical demonstration of teaching skills, including the preparation of lesson plans.
4. Demonstrate competence in water safety techniques. Candidates holding a current Bronze Medallion,
Pool Lifeguard or equivalent award, may gain an exemption by providing a copy of the award.
1. Practical teaching hours including observation, supervised teaching and verification of teaching competency.
2. Show evidence of holding a current cardio pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) award. For further information on CPR requirements please click here.
3. Teacher Declaration (completed on-line with theory exam).
4. Submit photo for AUSTSWIM Teacher Licence™.
On successful completion of all course requirements candidates will receive the AUSTSWIM Teacher of Swimming and Water Safety accreditation and as a result be issued the AUSTSWIM Teacher Licence. This licence is valid for 3 years at which point the AUSTSWIM Teacher must renew their accreditation .
Candidates will also be issued a Statement of Attainment for the following Units of Competency from the Sport, Fitness and Recreation Training Package:
SISCCRO302A Apply legal and ethical instructional skills
SISCAQU308A Instruct water familiarisation, buoyancy and mobility skills
SISCAQU309A Instruct clients in water safety and survival skills
SISCAQU310A Instruct swimming strokes
SISCAQU202A Perform basic water rescues
AUSTSWIM Teacher of Infant Award
The course provides the candidate with the competence required to deliver safe and enjoyable aquatic activity programs for children between the age of six months to four years of age.
The course consists of approximately 15 contact hours (theory and practical), plus practical supervised teaching hours and assessment. Topics include:
- Philosophy of infant and preschool aquatics
- Health and safety considerations
- Child development
- Principles of teacher, parent and child relationships
- Methods of water familiarisation
- Infant aquatics programming
On successful completion of all course requirements candidates will receive the AUSTSWIM Teacher of Infant Aquatics Award. Candidates will also be issued a Statement of Attainment for the following Unit of Competency from the National Community Recreation Industry Training Package:
- SRC AQU 0012A Foster the motor, cognitive and personal development of infants and toddlers in an aquatic environment.